Twin Ridges Wind Turbine Project

Key Highlights:

  • Project Location: Somerset County, PA
  • Client: Big Savage, LLC


Morris Knowles and Associates, Inc. performed the design on time and within budget. Morris Knowles & Associates, Inc., A Hammontree Company was hired by Big Savage, LLC to provide foundation design parameters, geotechnical investigation and recommendations for the Twin Ridges Wind energy project in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.

The project involved test borings by another team member, at each of the 68 proposed wind turbine locations on Big and Little Savage Mountains in southeast Somerset County, Pennsylvania.  The foundation report recommendations were prepared for the various structures within the substation.  Among the soil design parameters for which recommendations were prepared include: the subgrade reaction modulus, the modulus of deformation, and the allowable bearing pressure at the proposed bearing level for the various structures within the substation.  MKA also performed the access road subgrade design to support the 160 kip wind turbine vehicle load.



  • Geotechnical Investigation
  • Structural Design and Recommendations
  • Roadway Design


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