Wetland Services

Morris Knowles offers a wide variety of environmental services to support all construction and development projects.  Our clients include oil and gas companies, pipeline companies, public utilities, mining companies, real estate developers, departments of transportation and local and federal government offices.  Our wetland scientist is well versed in wetland delineations, wetland regulations, wetland mitigation, threatened and endangered species, geomatics (GIS), wetland treatment systems, NEPA compliance and storm water.

Services Include:

Environmental Site Assessments
Wetland Determinations
Wetland Mitigation
Stream and Wetland Crossing
Wetland and Stream Delineation and Mapping
Required State Permitting
Impact Analysis: Avoidance and Minimization Strategies
Agency Coordination for Endangered Species Act and Historic Preservation Act
Site and Soil Evaluation 


Success starts with Morris Knowles!

We appreciate the opportunity to plan and design your project, provide a specialized survey, or jumpstart your career!

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