Year End News


   Wow! What a year. This is a good time to count our blessings. More than in quite some time this year also calls on reflection and empathy for those who have lost loved ones, those in need, and those in financial distress. Although at H&A our optimism has been challenged in 2020, we are retaining our smiles, our confidence, and our expectations for a wonderful future.

    Our team is in place. We have overcome the obstacles. We are thankful we have bullish customers who invest in the future and offer us the opportunity to bring their projects to reality. Did the Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP loan) help? It sure did. I am proud of our staff. They make us a top-notch firm and a reliable consulting engineering and surveying source for our customers.

   Our footprint has not shrunk in 2020. It has grown. In addition to Eastern Ohio, Western and Central Pennsylvania and the Northern half of West Virginia, we are completing projects in North Carolina and throughout the eastern U.S. We are expanding our footprint because our customers recognize the quality of our work coupled with our commitment to excellence in customer service.

   Through our strategy of hiring well educated-ambitious professionals with our constant commitment to training and technology we plan on meeting and surpassing our customers’ expectations while enjoying ourselves in the process.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

Charles F. Hammontree, P.E., P.S.

Chief Executive Officer


Success starts with Morris Knowles!

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